Hi, I’m Sabrina.

My professional bio would say: I am a master certified life coach and health expert that empowers individuals to feel their best and achieve their goals, both physically and mentally.

However, my personal bio would say: I am a mom of three, was born and raised in the Midwest, is a country girl at heart, loves to sip on homemade lattes, listen to podcasts, cook for friends, explore the world, geek out on mindset development, and spend quality time with my family.

My Mission:

I’m here to help you discover your true potential, and reach it. We all crave a certain type of life, a degree of health, and a feeling of true happiness. I help individuals, just like you, let go of doubts, fears, misconceptions, and roadblocks to achieve the goals that are tugging at your heart. The goals that light you up. The goals that will help you thrive.

Because you are worth it and I believe anything is possible with the right mindset, motivation, and direction. 

My Journey:

Like many, I experienced a very unbalanced version of life long before I discovered a balanced version.

I was the queen of fad diets, the “all or nothing” mentality, and the self-sabotaging thoughts.

I was chasing perfectionism, never feeling like “enough”, 40 pounds overweight, battling a vicious binge eating cycle, and feeling completely trapped.

Ironically, I also studied Exercise Science and Nutrition in college. I excelled in my classes. I knew exactly how many calories and the appropriate macro-nutrient breakdown I needed daily to crush my goals. I also knew exactly what workouts my body needed to look its best. The more I learned, the more I tried to discipline myself into a perfect health mold.

I was exhausted, overwhelmed, and far from healthy in my mind and body.

And then it hit me, HARD. Discipline wasn’t the answer. So I listened to my intuition and changed my approach completely.

I went back to school and studied Holistic Nutrition, Life Coaching, and Behavior Change. I learned how to listen to my body, improve my mindset, look at the whole picture of health, and fuel myself in a way that made me feel great instead of deprived.

The weight started melting off. It felt easy, it felt balanced, it felt natural.

After working as a personal trainer for 10 years, I rebranded my business and became the balanced health and life coach that I am today.

Not only did this shift help me meet my personal goals, it allowed me to let go of my perfectionism, lose the extra weight, feel energized, and find confidence in being “me”. It allowed me to both recognize and follow my career calling. It allowed me to show up as the mother I truly wanted to be for my daughters. It allowed me to be in the best shape of my life, even after three babies. It allowed me to treat myself with respect and care. And most importantly, it allowed me to get out of my head and let my true potential shine. 

Which brings me to you, because every bit of time, energy, and care that you pour into yourself will pay off immensely.